Monday, April 25, 2011

Corporate working and traffic experience

Working in corporates is like driving your car on Indian roads:

1.At times you find somebody overtaking from left and trying to reach destination earlier than you.However it is always observed that the moment one overtakes from left,he gets temporary satisfaction of going ahead,as after few meteres there is somebody already ahead of him on his track and going slowly and now coming to driving track becomes difficult.As a result he will have to wait till the last vehicle goes away from the driving track.MORAL:OVERTAKE FROM RIGHT ONLY.

2.Although is always advisable to maintain driving track on the express highway ,somepeople feel that their speed is higher than others and maintain the overtaking track.As a result other vehicle with a very good speed goes on applying horn but he neither speeds up [limitation] nor allows other to go:MORAL FIND WAY OR MAKE WAY BUT DO NOT BLOCK.IT IS ALWAYS SAFE IN MAINTAINING DRIVING TRACK TILL YOU GATHER MOMENTUM FOR OVERTAKING

3.Some drivers, driving very posh car do not believe in giving prior signals when they take either left,right or U turn.As a result a follower who is highly disciplined and organised do not notice and ram into the car.The damage would be more to the posh car.MORAL:DO GIVE SYMPTOMS OF YOUR STAND OTHERWISE YOU MAY BE AT LOSS.

4.Some drivers have a habit of obeying signals whenever there is a policeman and in absence try to make way impatiently to be caught by the policeman taking shleter in the corner.MORAL:PEOPLE NOT FOLLOWING CODE OF CONDUCT CANNOT BE A LEADER AND THEY LAND UP IN THE TRAP.

5.Some drivers have a habit of applying head lights even when not required without bothering its effect on the opposite vehicle driver,either becaue of ignorance or because of showing supermecy,finally himself getting bogged down by bigger vehicle.MORAL:OVERSHADOWING OTHERS PERFORMANCE DO NOT LAST LONGER.

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